Public Disclosure

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities

Kemptville District Hospital has a policy to ensure access to services for people with disabilities, and a multi-year accessibility plan that guides our continuous efforts to prevent, identify and remove any barriers to services.

  • Click here to read and/or comment on the Policy.
  • Click here to view our 2023 Accessibility Compliance Report, filed with the Government of Ontario January 18, 2024.
  • Click here to view our Accessibility Plan 2021-2026.
  • Persons with disabilities may receive public documents in a format that is considerate of their disability. To request documents in an accessible format, please email your request to or call us at 613.258.6133 ext. 232.
  • If you encounter any problem accessing our services, or have any other comments about accessibility at KDH, please contact us at or 613.258.6133 ext. 232.

Bill S-211 Reporting and Attestation

The Canadian Parliament passed Bill S-211 or Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act on May 3, 2023, to protect vulnerable populations from human rights abuses and exploitation. The bill, which came into force on January 1, 2024, affects organizations that produce, sell or distribute goods in Canada or elsewhere, import goods produced outside of Canada into the country, or that control an entity engaged in either of the above activities.

Every entity that meets the criteria set out above must submit an annual report, on or before May 31 of each year, to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness (Minister). This report must indicate what steps the entity took during the previous financial year to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour is used at any step in the production of goods made by the entity or imported into Canada by the entity.

Energy Reporting

The Ontario Green Energy Act requires all public agencies, including hospitals, to make public their annual energy consumption and resulting greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, each organization must share an energy conservation and demand management plan outlining how the organization will reduce energy consumption.

The KDH Energy Conservation and Demand Energy Management Plan fulfills the reporting requirements of the Green Energy Act and provides a framework to support  energy and sustainability initiatives at KDH. The Plan addresses energy consumption in the hospital, including the development of a greenhouse gas emissions inventory, benchmarking KDH’s existing energy intensity performance relative to other hospitals, identifying potential energy efficiency projects, and establishing a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.

Executive Accountability

Compliance Attestation

Our Chief Executive Officer makes an annual Attestation to the Board of Directors in accordance with Section 15 of the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act, 2010 (BPSAA).

Executives’ Contracts

Appropriate compensation is a key element in attracting and retaining the kind of leaders we need at KDH. Our executive compensation consists of a base salary plus a pay for performance in compliance with the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act, 2014 and the Excellent Care for All Act plus standard employee benefits. No compensation is provided for managing the KDH Health Centre and service on the KDH Foundation. Read our Employment Agreements with our CEO, Frank J. Vassallo, our CFO/VP Operations, Brittany Rivard, and our VP Nursing/Clinical Services/CNE, Katie Hogue.

Expense Reporting

Twice a year Kemptville District Hospital reports Executive and Board Member expenses related to travel, meals and hospitality.

Parking Directive Attestation

Hospital Service Accountability Agreement

Every hospital in Ontario is required to negotiate a Hospital Service Accountability Agreement (HSAA) with Ontario Health. The HSAA is a contract that stipulates accountability and performance obligations for planning, integration and delivery of programs and services. KDH also negotiates a Long-Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement (LSAA) in light of our onsite Interim Long-Term Care unit, considered a long-term care home.

Within both Service Accountability Agreements (SAAs) is a schedule that sets out provincial goals identified by Ontario Health and the Local Obligations associated with each of the goals. Health service providers must select the most appropriate obligation(s) under each goal for implementation and must provide a report on the progress of their implementation(s). Below is reporting from KDH on Local Obligations associated with two provincial goals: Advance Indigenous Health Strategies and Outcomes; and Advance Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, and Anti-Racism Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes.

Pandemic Contingency Plan

This document outlines the responses that could be undertaken by Kemptville District Hospital in the event of a pandemic outbreak. Click here to read the plan.

Patient Declaration of Values

Read the Patient Declaration of Values developed by our Patient and Family Advisory Committee.

Patient Relations Process

Read about our Patient Relations process for responding to patient concerns.

Public Sector Salary Disclosure

As an organization that receives public funding from the Province of Ontario, we annually make available the names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of Kemptville District Hospital employees paid $100,000 or more in a calendar year. This information is shared each March 31 for the previous year.  View salary disclosure for 2024.

A list, by organization, of all public sector employees who earned $100,000 or more in 2023 is available on the Government of Ontario website.

Quality Improvement Plan

KDH has a comprehensive Quality Management Framework that reflects our commitment to continuous quality improvement. Our Board of Directors regularly monitors the hospital’s performance on more than 25 indicators of quality. Each year we develop a new Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to drive continuous quality improvement.

Read our 2024-2025 Quality Improvement Plan

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Thank You
Thank You

“I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all the physicians, nurses, nursing aides, dietary, environmental services, lab, and diagnostic imaging staff, and many others who helped so much to make my stay in March so much easier for me. It was a worrying time for me and my family. There was not a single staff member at any time who did not make me feel more at ease and well cared for. I am still finding ways to cope with my condition and slowly but steadily improving with the regular support of my doctors and remain cautiously optimistic, but it looks like a long road ahead. I learned a lot while I was being cared for, particularly about the value of those small instances of human kindness. I wanted to express my appreciation for all the dedicated work everyone at KDH does.”
