Jenny Read

Communications Officer

Jenny Read joined KDH in 2011 with 12 years’ experience as Communications Director for the non-profit Athena Sustainable Materials Institute.

In previous roles she was a magazine editor with Susan K. Bailey Marketing & Design of Foxboro, Ontario, and subsequently co-founded and published a monthly newspaper in the village of Merrickville, Ontario for a decade.

Jenny’s areas of expertise include corporate and internal communications and public relations. Her areas of interest include health literacy and plain language communication, patient and family centred care, and employee engagement. She recently earned a certificate in Plain Language Communication from the Michener Institute at the University Health Network (UHN) as well as a Certificate in Strategic Communications and Change from the University of Ottawa.

Jenny earned her B.A. at the University of Toronto, majoring in Latin and Ancient Greek with a minor in Anthropology.



613.258.6133 ext. 225

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