Patient Relations

Patient feedback is very important to us as it provides an opportunity to improve the patient experience at Kemptville District Hospital.

This feedback includes compliments, inquiries, suggestions and complaints from our patients and their caregivers regarding their experience in the hospital.

We are committed to responding to patient concerns in a positive, supportive and timely manner.

If you have a concern during your stay

  1. Speak with any member of your healthcare team. They will listen and respond to your concerns.
  2. Ask to speak to the Team Leader or Manager of the unit if you feel your concerns are not addressed by a member of the healthcare team.
  3. Ask to speak to the VP of Nursing/Clinical Services.
  4. If you need further assistance, ask to speak to the Patient Relations Officer.

Please rest assured that raising a concern or issue will not negatively affect your care in any way.

How to provide feedback after discharge from the hospital

At KDH we have in place processes for receiving, reviewing and attempting to resolve expeditiously complaints from patients and caregivers of patients.  Although we welcome feedback from family and friends, our complaints process only addresses complaints from patients themselves (16 years of age and up and competent) or their caregivers.

Our Patient Relations Process both facilitates the resolution of complaints, and also allows us to receive suggestions and compliments.

Please feel free to get in touch with us by phone, email or mail at the contact points below. In addition, if you provide your email address, you may receive a survey from a national healthcare measurement firm by email after your discharge. Our Quality Teams and Board of Directors review results of these surveys regularly – patient responses help us to improve our quality of care, so we encourage you to participate.

  • Call Patient Relations at 613.258.6133, extension 223.
  • Send an email to Patient Relations.
  • Mail a letter to – Patient Relations, Kemptville District Hospital, P.O. Box 2007, 2675 Concession Road, Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0.

Please note: Patient Relations is available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 3:15 pm.

If our Patient Relations office is not able to resolve the issue to your satisfaction, you have the option of consulting the provincial Patient Ombudsman. The Patient Ombudsman’s role is to help resolve complaints from patients, residents and caregivers about experiences in Ontario’s public hospitals, long-term care homes, home care, and community surgical and diagnostic centres.

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Thank You
Thank You

“I wanted to tell you how truly grateful I am for the Clinics at KDH. Almost a year of injections for pain in Dr. Jamal’s clinic have been quite successful and after last Friday's appointment, I am now on "remit" until November. Through Dr. Jamal I was referred to Dr. Fox, who diagnosed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in my right wrist, for which I had surgery with Dr. Chan – all through your Clinic system. Everyone in the Clinics has been so helpful and kind throughout this: Kerry and Chrissie at the door and June in Bookings. They have made my visits easier and contributed to my recovery. I feel they are friends, as well as the doctors. KDH is a great hospital with wonderful people. Carry on!”
