Patient Declaration of Values

Almost a decade ago, in compliance with the Ontario government’s Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA), KDH developed a “Patient Bill of Rights” in consultation with community stakeholders, and made it public. Our Patient Bill of Rights was a series of statements designed to reflect our commitment to patient-focused care, and clarified what patients could expect from KDH.

In light of our significant efforts in recent years to deliver Patient and Family Centred Care in its fullest form – partnership with patients, both in their care and at our decision-making tables – we decided it was time to review our Patient Bill of Rights. As a result of our organizational commitment to Patient and Family Centred Care, we now have a Patient and Family Advisory Committee (PFAC) made up of volunteer Patient and Family Advisors, and it was this group that took on the task of reviewing the statements.

The results of their work can be seen in the new “Patient Declaration of Values” outlined in the infographic below. Note that, like those of many other Ontario hospitals, the KDH Bill of Rights has evolved into a Declaration of Values. It is a series of statements about what our patients value.

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“Dr. Hosseini treated my adult son, Matthew, in the ER when he was brought in by ambulance. Matthew had experienced an episode involving a rapid, irregular heartbeat resulting in him losing consciousness at home. Dr. Hosseini treated him with the utmost care. She had a number of tests performed which left his diagnosis a little unclear but concerning to her. She consulted with the Heart Institute and he was sent there overnight. They did further tests including scheduling an angiogram. Before they could perform the angiogram, he had another episode. They quickly sent him for the angiogram and discovered a 95% blockage of his left ventricular main artery. They then inserted a stent. We feel that Dr. Hosseini saved Matthew’s life. If she had not followed her instincts that he should be at the Heart Institute that night he might not have survived. She is to be commended for her caring professionalism. We cannot thank her enough.”
