November Is Diabetes Awareness Month

2023-12-12T04:32:52+00:00News Releases|

NOVEMBER 5, 2013 – The Kemptville District Hospital Diabetes Team can help people Live Well with Diabetes, whether they have just been diagnosed or they have been living with diabetes for years.

A diagnosis of diabetes can be overwhelming. Along with the diagnosis comes lots of new information, about blood glucose levels, nutrition, medication, blood pressure and more. It is normal to have many questions, such as, ‘How could this happen?’ and ‘Can I still eat my favourite foods?’ The Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) diabetes team can help.

Whether they have just been diagnosed, or they have been living with diabetes for years, the KDH team can help people to live well with diabetes. They can provide the information, knowledge and skills people need to manage their diabetes. They can provide personal support and spend time discussing any concerns people living with diabetes may have.

Kemptville District Hospital's Certified Diabetes Educators, Heather Kamenz (left), Registered Nurse, and Julia HIcks, Registered Dietitian

Kemptville District Hospital’s Certified Diabetes Educators, Heather Kamenz (left), Registered Nurse, and Julia HIcks, Registered Dietitian

The KDH diabetes team offers both one-on-one counselling and group or individual education about diabetes. Topics for education include healthy diet, physical activity, medications, potential complications and more. KDH has a pre-diabetes program for people who are at risk of developing diabetes, and training for patients who are insulin-dependent. Significant others or spouses are welcome at the sessions.

KDH also offers regular chiropodist clinics as a regional Champlain Diabetes Program site. Chiropodists are primary healthcare specialists who are experts in the management of foot problems.

Led by Certified Diabetes Educators Heather Kamenz, Registered Nurse, and Julia Hicks, Registered Dietitian, the KDH diabetes team includes Chiropodist Lena MacMillan and Mary Whyte, KDH’s Charge Pharmacist, who reviews medications for patients with diabetes. The four members of the KDH diabetes team work closely together.

For people living with diabetes, managing their diabetes well reduces their risk of complications. It can also improve their overall health and wellbeing as they set and achieve goals for living well with diabetes.

People living with diabetes are encouraged to attend group or one-on-one sessions at the onset of diabetes, during transitions or changes (i.e., going on new medications), or anytime to refresh their knowledge about how best to self-manage and get additional support.

All of KDH’s diabetes education and support services are free. Adults can be referred to the program by a health care provider (family doctor, pharmacist, nurse, physiotherapist, social worker, etc.), or they can self-refer: call (613) 258-6133, extension 424 to join a program. Or for more information about programs, call Diabetes Nurse Educator Heather Kamenz at (613) 258-6133, extension 212, or Registered Dietitian Julia Hicks at (613) 258-6133, extension 216.

About Kemptville District Hospital

Kemptville District Hospital is Accredited with Exemplary Standing, the highest ranking bestowed by Accreditation Canada. Committed to building healthier communities, we are a model of hospital-led integrated health services within the provincial health system. Kemptville District Hospital consistently ranks among the top hospitals in Ontario for both patient and employee satisfaction. We pride ourselves on being a good partner within the system. We operate on two sites and provide primary care management services, acute care hospital services, and advanced orthopaedic care.

For more information contact:

Jenny Read, Communications Lead

Tel: 613-258-6133 Ext. 223


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