New Friends and Family Quiet Space opens at KDH
We are delighted to announce that, thanks to a generous donation from Jean and the late Keith Newans of Oxford Mills, Ontario, a beautiful new quiet space for friends and family has opened at KDH.
The new family gathering space was designed to provide a calm refuge from the stress of a loved one’s hospitalization, delineated from the rest of the hospital with a fresh colour scheme, gentle lighting, lovely artwork, and comfortable furniture.
Christened the “Friends and Family Gathering Space”, the new room provides a place for families to await the outcome of a loved one’s medical procedure or event, a time that can be filled with anticipation and anxiety.
The creation of the Friends and Family Gathering Space was a key component of the Clinic Modernization Project; now a standard feature in hospitals, the concept of a designated room for families to gather in private did not exist when KDH opened its doors in 1960.
We are grateful for the generosity of our community and donors like the Newans family.
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