KDH ‘lights it blue’ to honour essential workers throughout the North Grenville community
Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) is joining the global “Light It Blue” movement to honour and thank all essential workers in the North Grenville community for their ongoing efforts during the COVID-19 crisis.
Starting this evening, the garden at the front of the hospital will be bathed in the glow of blue floodlights in a tribute to the healthcare professionals and other essential workers who are risking their health every day to keep the community safe and well.
Frank Vassallo, KDH’s Chief Executive Officer, noted that essential workers include first responders, grocery store clerks, bank tellers, people who work in drug stores, at gas stations, real estate agents, taxi drivers, and many more. “All of our essential workers deserve our heartfelt thanks for continuing to show up every day under the threat of being infected with the coronavirus,” he said. “This is just one way we can show our appreciation for their bravery during these unprecedented times.”
“As a small-town hospital with deep community roots, we wanted to honour not just our own staff and physicians on the frontlines of the battle against COVID-19, but all essential workers who are putting themselves in harm’s way each and every day,” continued Vassallo.
This is a collaborative initiative between KDH and the KDH Foundation, which supports high quality patient care at the hospital by funding priority medical, diagnostic and surgical equipment. The blue lights will illuminate the Foundation’s heart-shaped memorial stone garden and handcrafted pergola.
“We embraced this idea as it gives us an opportunity to honour all essential workers including KDH’s frontline staff, such as nurses, doctors, and other clinical professionals, as well as non-clinical healthcare workers like our housekeeping, maintenance and dietary staff,” said the KDH Foundation’s Executive Director, Joanne Mavis.
She noted that in response to an outpouring of donations from the community the Foundation has established a KDH Staff Support Fund. Proceeds from this fund will be used to keep the hospital’s frontline and essential workers safe as they care for the community. Donations to this fund can be made online at https://www.kdhfoundation.ca/hospital-wish-list/staff-support-fund.
The “Light It Blue” movement originated in the UK and spread to the United States and United Arab Emirates before being adopted in Canada and elsewhere in the world. Blue lights are illuminating bridges, towers, power plants, football stadiums and other landmarks across the globe every evening to recognize the selfless efforts of frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
About the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation
The Kemptville District Hospital Foundation (KDHF) is the registered charitable organization that supports Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) by fundraising for essential medical equipment that the hospital’s care teams need to care for patients. Government funding alone cannot supply all the equipment needed; KDH depends on the generosity of community donors to fund lifesaving equipment. Community support enabled the hospital to open its doors in 1960 and remains at the heart of KDH. Donations to the KDHF support the skilled and compassionate care that is happening every day inside KDH’s state-of-the-art facility. www.kdhfoundation.ca.
For further information contact:
Joanne Mavis, Executive Director, Kemptville District Hospital Foundation
Tel: 613.258.6133 ext. 185 | jmavis@kdh.on.ca
About Kemptville District Hospital
Kemptville District Hospital is Accredited with Exemplary Standing, the highest ranking bestowed by Accreditation Canada. Committed to building healthier communities, we are a model of hospital-led integrated health services within the provincial health system. Kemptville District Hospital consistently ranks among the top hospitals in Ontario for both patient and employee satisfaction. We pride ourselves on being a good partner within the system. Kemptville District Hospital provides acute care hospital services, advanced orthopaedic care, and primary care management services.
For further information contact:
Jenny Read, Communications Officer, Kemptville District Hospital
O: 613.258.6133 x 223 | C: 613.914.0195 | jread@kdh.on.ca
$13 Million
raised by the KDH Foundation
since its inception in 1979