KDH, celebrating with the Ottawa Heart Institute: 10 years of offering smoking cessation support to patients!
Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) is celebrating today ten years of partnership with the Ottawa Heart Institute’s Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation (OMSC). Since implementation of the OMSC at KDH, approximately 250 smokers have been reached through personalized, best practice tobacco dependence treatment, resulting in increased quit attempts and long-term cessation. An estimated 100 smokers are smoke-free as a result of the support they received while at KDH.
In 2002, smoking cessation experts at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute (UOHI) developed the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation–an institutional program that systematically identifies, provides treatment, and offers follow-up to patients who smoke as part of routine care. In 2006, UOHI began to assist other inpatient, outpatient and primary care settings to implement the OMSC. Implementation of the OMSC led to an absolute 11% increase in long-term quit rates among hospitalized patients (from 18% to 29% at six months). In eastern Ontario, nearly 100,000 smokers have been assisted through Ottawa Model programs, leading to ~25,000 people becoming smoke-free.
“Being able to offer the Ottawa Model at KDH has made a big difference for our staff and our patients, said Cathy Burke, KDH’s Vice President of Nursing and Clinical Services. “Our staff know they can offer real, proven help to our patients who smoke. The program gives us the tools we need to help patients who may be dealing with nicotine withdrawal and who may be ready to quit smoking for good. For our patients, the Ottawa Model offers a great chance of success, with evidence-based counselling and medication to help them quit. We are proud of the work we’ve done so far, and are committed to continuing to help members of our communities take this important step to improve their heart health.”
“The success behind the Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation is truly found in the determined teams across Canada, like here in Kemptville, that are providing personalized support to smokers who are trying to quit,” said Dr. Andrew Pipe, co-developer of the OMSC and Canada’s foremost expert on smoking cessation. “As all hospital grounds in Ontario will be required to be smoke-free by January 2018, helping patients deal with nicotine withdrawal when they are admitted and stay smoke-free when they leave will remain an important priority for hospitals in our region.”
Pictured on Home Page (L to R): Kerri-Anne Mullen, Sarah Mackler & Lisa Comber – Ottawa Heart Institute representatives.
About Kemptville District Hospital
Kemptville District Hospital is Accredited with Exemplary Standing, the highest ranking bestowed by Accreditation Canada. Committed to building healthier communities, we are a model of hospital-led integrated health services within the provincial health system. Kemptville District Hospital consistently ranks among the top hospitals in Ontario for both patient and employee satisfaction. We pride ourselves on being a good partner within the system. Kemptville District Hospital provides primary care management services, acute care hospital services, and advanced orthopedic care.
For further information contact:
Jenny Read, Communications Officer
T: 613-258-6133 extension 223
Email: jread@kdh.on.ca
About the University of Ottawa Heart Institute
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute is Canada’s largest and foremost heart health centre dedicated to understanding, treating and preventing heart disease. UOHI delivers high-tech care with a personal touch, shapes the way cardiovascular medicine is practiced and revolutionizes cardiac treatment and understanding. It builds knowledge through research and translates discoveries into advanced care. UOHI serves the local, national and international community, and is pioneering a new era in heart health.
For further information contact:
Judith Lachance, Promotion and Communication Officer
T: 613-798-5555 extension 17793
Email: jlachance@ottawaheart.ca
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