KDH Board Seeking Volunteer Directors
The Board of Directors of Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) is currently seeking candidates to fill the position of Director.
KDH is governed by a Board of Directors which includes 12 to 16 unpaid members-at-large. These volunteer Directors have diverse backgrounds and bring a variety of skills and areas of expertise to the Board. Directors must demonstrate a commitment to KDH and its mission of meeting people’s diverse health needs, community service and helping to build healthier communities. Directors inform Board discussions and decisions; they do not provide professional advice to the Board.
The Board is currently seeking to fill as many as four volunteer Director positions with a start date of June, 2024. While all applications are welcome, the Board encourages those with a mix of the following skills and expertise to apply: Clinical/Healthcare/Health; Legal; Financial; and Architecture, Construction or Infrastructure Planning. Previous experience on a non-profit board, especially in the health or social service sector, is an asset. Equity, diversity and inclusion are also important factors in the selection process.
A Board member can expect to spend a minimum of 10 to 12 hours per month attending meetings and performing committee work.
Successful candidates must be willing to learn and work in a team atmosphere; be able to dedicate the time required to fulfill their duty to the Board; be free of any conflict of interest; demonstrate the ability to think strategically and communicate effectively; and reside in the Eastern Ontario region.
For more information and/or to apply, see: https://www.kdh.on.ca/call-for-board-of-directors-2024/
About Kemptville District Hospital
Kemptville District Hospital (KDH) is an integrated health services organization serving the health needs of North Grenville, the eastern regions of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, and South Ottawa in partnership with other health care and community organizations in our region. KDH is part of an approved Ontario Health Team – Ottawa West Four Rivers – comprised of many community service providers as well as our primary care providers in the region. KDH provides 24-hour emergency care, inpatient care, surgical programs including advanced orthopedic surgery, and a wide variety of outpatient clinics. We are committed to our mission of ‘Building Healthier Communities’ based on a patient and family centered delivery model, collaborative partnerships, and employing the best technology available. KDH is a model of hospital-led integrated health services within the provincial health system.
For further information contact:
Jenny Read, Communications Officer
T: 613-258-6133 extension 225
Email: jeread@kdh.on.ca
total number of patients seen at KDH last year