Planning For Your Healthy Future: Kdh’s New Strategic Plan

Your Hospital – Your Healthy Future is a strategic planning process that began in February 2016. It was designed with a robust stakeholder engagement component to provide the public, organizational partners, and KDH staff, physicians and volunteers with a variety of opportunities to contribute their input.

Like all Ontario hospitals, KDH develops a new strategic plan every three years, outlining its strategic priorities and identifying the actions that will be taken to advance them. Your Hospital – Your Healthy Future set out a number of ways for stakeholders to engage with the hospital to share their ideas about KDH’s strengths, potential opportunities, and desired results for programs, services, and more.

During the last week of March 2016, KDH held separate consultation sessions with the public, its partners, and internal stakeholders, i.e., staff, physicians and volunteers.

CEO Frank Vassallo presents to large group
Richard Delaney gives presentation to group

People who weren’t able to participate in person were invited to take an online survey,  provide their input through a postage paid response card, or contact a member of the KDH strategic planning team personally.

All of the feedback received was compiled and analyzed and then taken into consideration by the hospital’s Board of Directors as it set the strategic directions for the organization for the next three years and reviewed our mission, vision and values.

KDH’s new strategic plan was approved at the hospital’s June 2016 meeting of the Board of Directors.

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“Dr. Hosseini treated my adult son, Matthew, in the ER when he was brought in by ambulance. Matthew had experienced an episode involving a rapid, irregular heartbeat resulting in him losing consciousness at home. Dr. Hosseini treated him with the utmost care. She had a number of tests performed which left his diagnosis a little unclear but concerning to her. She consulted with the Heart Institute and he was sent there overnight. They did further tests including scheduling an angiogram. Before they could perform the angiogram, he had another episode. They quickly sent him for the angiogram and discovered a 95% blockage of his left ventricular main artery. They then inserted a stent. We feel that Dr. Hosseini saved Matthew’s life. If she had not followed her instincts that he should be at the Heart Institute that night he might not have survived. She is to be commended for her caring professionalism. We cannot thank her enough.”
