Billings and Payments

During your stay, you may incur some additional costs that are not covered by OHIP or other insurance. When this happens, you will receive a bill from the hospital after your discharge.

Examples of expenses not covered by OHIP include equipment (e.g., crutches, air cast boots, walkers), ambulance services and patient transfers, and tv rentals.

If you have any questions regarding your bill, please contact 613-258-6133 ext 145.

How to Pay your Bill

You may pay online, by mail, phone, or in person.

MAIL:  Please make cheque payable to Kemptville District Hospital and mail to Kemptville District Hospital, 2675 Concession Road, PO Box 2007, Kemptville, Ontario, K0G 1J0.

PHONE:  Call 613.258.6133 ext. 145 during office hours, 9 am to 4 pm. Please have your credit card information ready.

IN PERSON:  Stop by our Finance Office between 9 am and 4 pm. Payment may be made by cash, cheque, Mastercard, Visa or debit card.

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Thank You
Thank You

“I wanted to tell you how truly grateful I am for the Clinics at KDH. Almost a year of injections for pain in Dr. Jamal’s clinic have been quite successful and after last Friday's appointment, I am now on "remit" until November. Through Dr. Jamal I was referred to Dr. Fox, who diagnosed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in my right wrist, for which I had surgery with Dr. Chan – all through your Clinic system. Everyone in the Clinics has been so helpful and kind throughout this: Kerry and Chrissie at the door and June in Bookings. They have made my visits easier and contributed to my recovery. I feel they are friends, as well as the doctors. KDH is a great hospital with wonderful people. Carry on!”
